Sunday, February 24, 2008

Life With All Its Ups and Downs

It’s been an eventful week. On the downside, a friend’s house burned down and she lost her two dogs in the fire. I’m not mentioning names because I don’t know whether she wants it made public yet or not.

On the plus side, Irene Watson of readerviews gave a presentation at the Writers League of Texas this week. She was very down to earth and answered every question the audience had. I haven’t used her site or used any of her services and suspect they may be more useful to the self-published or unpublished author but it was nice to see someone talk bluntly about some of the challenges for new writers.

And a truly bright spot this week was a performance by Joe Hartman in Overwhelming Underdogs at the Arts on Real Theater here in Austin. (city theatre) I went because he’s the son of a friend and found myself laughing through the whole performance.