It's here!!! DUTIFUL WIFE has gone live today!
For those of you who don't know, it's been a while. I loved writing Regencies for Signet and when they closed the line I was sad not only for myself as an author but also as a reader. Signet has been bringing out backlist titles and now some new titles as well in e-book format.
Here's the cover for DUTIFUL WIFE:
What happens when a viscount must marry and chooses a girl he thinks will be docile and sweet only to discover that isn't what he's getting at all? And what if having his life shaken up is just what he needs?
You can find it at your favorite e-book store. You can find it at Amazon for kindle and at Barnes and Noble for Nook or at Penguin's own website.
I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!