Sunday, February 11, 2007

Seeing the Sights

Isn’t it funny how we often don’t get around to visiting places near us unless or until someone visits us and we’re showing them around? It was that way when I was growing up, too--we only saw the local sights when visitors came from out of town. These days, every time my daughter comes to visit me, as she did for a week, I end up discovering places in and around Austin that I didn’t know about.

There’s Mt. Bonnell with a gorgeous view of the city. There’s Zilker Botanical Gardens that somehow I hadn’t gotten around to seeing before. There’s Mozart Café right on the water. And of course there’s South Congress where I found a print for my wall and we wandered in and out of all sorts of wonderful shops.

It was fun having my daughter here and satisfying to know she was here to work on Challenge X which is a program for college students to work on alternative energy cars. She sees making the world a better place as part of her mission and I’m glad for that. I truly think she will.

I can’t wait to see what she and I discover together the next time she makes it to Texas. I also find myself thinking that maybe I won’t wait for her next visit to see what new discoveries I can make on my own. After all, I went across country on my own. There's no reason I should lose my sense of adventure just because I'm now staying in one place.
