Well, it's beginning to feel like Fall here—even if it is still much warmer than it would be places I've lived most of my life. Time to begin making soup, baking more, bundling up when I take Sophy for early morning walks. Well, okay, at least putting on a light jacket!
It's also the time of year I feel like curling up with good books—and working on my own. That's why the timing of NaNoWriMo is so great. For those of you who are writers and don't know, November is National Novel Writing Month. Here's the website for NaNoWriMo. It's a good way to really get yourself in the habit of writing every day—or at least most days—and perhaps writing faster than you thought you could. It's a way to do it and get lots of support from other writers.
We're obviously living in a time of change. Even for non-writers, keeping a journal or in some way writing down how we feel or think about what's happening can be a useful way of coping with the anxiety that times like this can produce.
Here's hoping all of you are enjoying Fall where you are and perhaps taking pen in hand or typing on the computer as we go into the days and changes ahead.