I've rescheduled the Book in a Week class to start September 30 (full details of class in blog post below. This means that the class will end November 9 and the two intensive writing weeks will be October 20 to November 4. Deadline to sign up will be September 28.
Note: I realize this coincides with both the NJRW and NINC conferences. The NJRW conference, however, falls during one of the "quieter" and more laid back weeks of the class. The NINC conference falls during the writing weeks but the class now does include TWO writing weeks rather than one so there's still plenty of time to write.
Why take my Book in a Week class? Every writer's brain works a little differently. The more you know about what works for YOU, the easier it is to write and the better you can write. By the end of this class you'll have a pretty good idea when and where and how you write best AND what kind of brainstorming ahead of time is most useful to YOU.
My goal is to suggest ways to brainstorm and think about your book that you won't see anywhere else. My goal is also to help you recognize your own unique strengths and how to work with them.
As I said, details about cost, how to sign up, etc. are in the blog post below. I look forward to hearing from you!
Note that this will probably be the last Book in a Week class in 2012 because it's too hard to schedule in November and December due to Thanksgiving and Christmas.