Pflugerville Library may be small but boy are they supporting NaNoWriMo in a big way! Just look at some of the events coming up. Becca Sexton writes:
"October 21st at 7pm, we're having a novel planning session. Local NaNo vets will talk about the pros and cons of planning your novel before the November 1st start date and share their tips and tricks for surviving NaNoWriMo. Then, on Sunday, November 1st, we're having an "all-day" kick-off event at the library (from 1--6). There will be refreshments, goodie bags, writing games, and plenty of time to get those novels started! We're having write-ins on November 12, 19, and 24 from 6--8pm and a Wrap Party on December 1st from 6--8 pm. At the Wrap Party, we'll do a raffle drawing, share excerpts from our novels, and award a prize to NaNo "winners."
We're also having an author talk on November 3 at 6:30. Daniel and Dina Nayeria, authors of the YA supernatural novel Another Faust will be on hand to talk about their book and the writing process."
I love libraries and this is one of the reasons why!