Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Brainstorming Beginning of a Book to End with Promotion

As writers, we're used to brainstorming our stories/books. How often, though, do we visualize the end of the process as we begin? By that, I don't just mean the completion of the book, I mean EVERYTHING--from the final book to the process of writing it to pitching it to promoting it.

Because I think there is such value in looking at the writing process this way, I'm going to be teaching an online course for the Writers League of Texas. I'll be taking the class through the process of brainstorming where right from the beginning, the writer has in mind the end game. Just as important, I'll be helping writers look at what fits THEM. What are the unique talents and interests and life situations they bring to the book and their careers.

This is something I often do when coaching writers and now I get to incorporate it into a class--an online class. I love online classes because everything is by email so people can read and respond to lessons any time of day or night--and can be anywhere in the world.

Anyway, if you're interested, here is the link. As I said, I'm doing this through the Writers League of Texas. Brainstorming Your Book and Your Career: Creating a Pathway to Success.

Please feel free, also, to pass the information on to anyone you think may be interested.